A mobile police station has taken to the road and its itinerary is being partly decided by e-mails from local people.

The 7.5 tonne Ford Iveco doubles as a working police office and an inquiry/information office on the roads of Harrogate and Richmondshire.

Details have been posted on the force's www.northyorkshire.police.uk website with a feedback link in which people can offer their comments and suggestions, together with requests for visits.

Area Commander Chief Superintendent Bernie Mitchell said: "The mobile office is all about access and making police services available to the public, so it is only logical that we should share information about its movements with the public, and that we should invite the public to suggest visits and campaigns the office could be involved in."

The mobile office's equipment includes radios, mobile phones and computers linked to the main police systems, an external electronic display screen, display boards, a separate generator to provide light, heat and power for all on-board facilities, and a carpeted public area.

Co-ordinator Robin Barker said it was a flexible, practical piece of equipment.

He said: "This force places huge importance on access and on visibility - making it obvious that we are out there working on behalf of the community.

"The MPO is designed to reinforce those two messages, as well as bringing a range of practical help and services to communities, especially those in the more remote parts of the area."