Forget Yuppies - the new acronym around town is POPPYs. Privileged, Outgoing, Propertied, Pretty and Young describes the glamorous single women who live their lives in a champagne-fuelled haze.

These are the lovelies who have dinner with Prince William, party with Prince Harry and polo with Prince Charles.

They appear in the social pages of Hello and Tatler and have jobs like professional yachtswomen, party organisers and actresses.

What matters to these women is being surrounded by beautiful people and getting into top class venues for free.

You can't begrudge the POPPYs their riches - they are simply lucky enough to be born with silver spoons in their collagen injected mouths.

Their parents have money and have lavished every kind of advantage on their precious princesses.

But what annoys me about these Sex And The City rejects is their vacuous lives.

In a recent interview one of these women, who is a fashion design student, admitted she takes a week to get ready for a night out and only goes to bars where the clientele are beautiful and well groomed.

Other POPPYs have admitted the most important thing in life is being seen at the right party and their idea of hell is buying an outfit off the peg.

All these women have millions of pounds at their fingertips but still expect hand-outs from mummy and daddy and want as many freebies they can get their manicured claws on.

Everything is centred around having fun and self-promotion with no thought for anyone or anything else.

Compare them to Leah Pattison - a young woman from Frosterley, County Durham who has spent the last eight years with helping to rebuild the lives of female leprosy victims in India.

She has done endless fund-raising - is known as the Angel of Nagpur - and is now working to open her own clinic to look after sufferers of the disease.

Leah was invited to meet the Queen earlier this month as a tribute to her hard work and selfless dedication to others.

She was terribly nervous to be at Buckingham Palace and described her self 'as a fish out of water' in the grand surroundings.

Forget downing cocktails with Wills and Harry - this was rightful Royal recognition for one young women who against the odds has worked to help others.

Just think what the POPPYs could do to help Leah with their ever-expanding bank accounts?

They wouldn't even have to get their hands dirty to donate money to help good causes throughout the UK and abroad, just dig into their bottomless clutch bags.

I am sure POPPYs do attend charity dinners and parties costing £600 a ticket but only because there is a slim chance their photo will appear in a glossy magazine.

Helping those less fortunate than themselves just isn't glamourous enough for the POPPY gang who would rather promote their own shallow lives than use their influence or money to selflessly promote a good cause.

POPPYs may say beauty is essential to their little world but their lifestyles are plain ugly compared to the inner beauty of truly inspirational women like Leah.