AN exhibition featuring personal belongings and memorabilia from 20th Century icons including Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill opens today.

Among the items going on show at Nunnington Hall, near Helmsley, North Yorkshire are a tiny fragment of the doomed Hindenburg airship, a single strand of John F Kennedy's hair and a woolly hat worn by John Lennon in 1968.

There is also a signed picture of Adolf Hitler, one of Marilyn Monroe's stockings and a piece of the protective heat shield of Apollo 11, which carried Neil Armstrong to the moon in 1969.

Most of the items in the exhibition, which is a collaboration between the hall and Fraser's Autographs, of London, are for sale.

The hall's property manager, Simon Lee said: "The principle of the show is to give a snapshot of the 20th Century through some of the events and personalities of that period.

"It is perhaps only in seeing a show like this that one realises quite what a momentous century it was."

The exhibition runs until Friday, April 23. The hall is open between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, Wednesday to Sunday, including Bank Holiday Monday.