A SCHOOLBOY accused of killing a friend who died in a blazing skip told a court yesterday he lit a piece of paper because he was bored.

Michael Temperley, 15, died after he was locked in the rubbish container when he went inside to retrieve his bike, which had been put in by two friends.

One of the boys, who cannot be named, is accused of pushing burning paper through a gap in the door of the rubbish container at Team Valley Retail Park, in Gateshead.

But he told Newcastle Crown Court yesterday how he had dropped the lit paper outside the skip.

He said; "I lit it, with a lighter. I dropped it to the floor around about, next to all of the things that were outside the skip, where all the debris was outside the skip."

When asked by defence barrister Peter Lodder why he had decided to light the paper, he said: "Just out of boredom, really, stupidity."

The 15-year-old broke down in tears as he told the court how he felt "helpless" when he realised the fire was getting out of control.

He said: "I thought that Michael was getting burnt. I was trying to open the lock. Michael was screaming for help and my friend was trying to get the lock open as well. I was shocked and frightened."

The boy told the court how he was taken to the police station and was not told until the following day that Michael had died.

When asked if he had pushed the burning paper through the gap he replied, "No".

The 15-year-old denies manslaughter and false imprisonment. His 16-year-old friend also denies false imprisonment.

The trial continues