Civic dignitaries were invited to a heritage day to showcase the landmarks of the borough of Stockton.

The Mayor of Stockton, Councillor Ann Cains, held a reception at the University of Durham, Queen's Campus, Stockton, for the guests.

She said: "This was an exciting opportunity to show what a wonderful heritage Stockton Borough has and how rightly proud I am to be mayor of Stockton.

"The day took in some of the borough's most famous landmarks and our visitors learnt about the history of the town hall and Preston Hall Museum, as well as see some of the pioneering developments which are key to our future."

The group included dignitaries and officers from Tees Valley, County Durham and North Yorkshire.

The tour included visits to the Tees Barrage and Whitewater Course, the Wolfson Research Institute at the university and the Green Dragon Museum.

They also took a trip on the Teesside Princess, where regeneration officers from Stockton Borough Council talked about the developments along the River Tees