A MAYOR has taken delivery of a car that is a work of art chronicling a town's past, present and future.

A dual powered petrol and battery-driven Honda Civic, presented to Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon, is emblazoned with images of the town's history.

The Carling Cup victory is reproduced, there are images of explorer Captain James Cook and Middlesbrough's landmark Transporter Bridge.

The design was created by Darlington firm Charles Hollywood Agency and applied to the car by Signs Express, of Middlesbrough.

"I want people to know that we are proud of our history in Middlesbrough and we mean business in the future,'' said Mr Mallon who picked up the car, which he will drive for the next 12 months, from DeVries, of Stockton.

"I think this car sends out the message that we are not afraid of trying out something new and that we intend to get noticed."

"When Middlesbrough won the Carling Cup, we felt that it was an important part of local history and we are grateful to Signs Express who have managed very quickly to work it into the design."