RESIDENTS are concerned that the new single-site in Brotton for three amalgamated schools will mean community facilities will be lost.

A decision was made to create a single site at Brotton for the 1,000-pupil Freebrough College in July, which is split across three locations at Loftus, Skelton and Brotton.

People living in Brotton are angry that Brotton Youth Centre may be demolished to make room for the school.

Skelton residents are worried that if the £750,000 site of the former De Brus school, at Skelton, is sold to developers, the community will lose a youth centre, virtual learning centre and sports hall.

Des Mowbray, from Skelton Community Forum, said: "We don't disagree with them making one single school, but we disagree with facilities in the area being lost and not replaced.

"Skelton is a growing area with all the planned housing developments and it seems wrong to be taking away much-needed facilities for an expanding population."

Shops in Skelton are collecting signatures in a petition against the closure of Skelton Youth centre.

One shop owner in Skelton High Street said: "Vandalism has got much worse in Skelton in the last two or three months and it seems wrong to close a youth facility which gives youngsters something to do at night."

Redcar and Cleveland Borough councillor Steve Kay, said it was likely that Brotton Youth Centre would be demolished, but a youth club may be incorporated within the new school.

He said the council had applied for outline planning permission for the Skelton school site but that the final agreement with a developer could include saving the youth club.

A public meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 30, at 6.30pm at the Freeborough College, Skelton site