IF you think clearing up after a small pet is bad enough, spare a thought for Jeanette Bayes.

She is so determined to raise cash to work towards her dream job that she took on a task that would give most people nightmares.

With a giant pooper-scooper in hand, she spent a day closely following groups of rhino, hippo and giraffe.

After tackling a 650-mile stretch of the Appalachian Trail last year, Jeanette, 25, of Pickering, North Yorkshire, has her heart on becoming a park ranger in the US.

First she must raise money to allow her to complete a year-long unpaid internship.

She is already holding down three jobs - in a plastics factory, an Indian restaurant and a pub, and yesterday she undertook a sponsored scoop at Flamingo Land Zoo.

Armed with gloves, buckets, shovels and a wheelbarrow she saw a part of zoo life that seldom troubles tourists - and raised £600.

"The smell was definitely the worst thing about it," said Jeanette. "I've got a bit of a cold at the moment and I think it's the only time I've ever been grateful for one of those."