PROJECTS to engage young people in council business in Richmondshire were confirmed by local authority leaders yesterday.

North Yorkshire County Council's community education service will be working with parish and town authorities to encourage youngsters to speak out about what they think is missing from their communities.

"Often, adults think that young people have little to contribute, but this is not the case,'' said youth participation worker at county hall, Arwen Rutterford.

"Also, young people sometimes think councillors do not communicate with them enough. This project is helping to break down barriers and provide positive solutions to working together."

Projects are under way in Richmond, Middleham, Scotton and Askrigg, where questionnaires have been circulated to find out what young people want.

Meanwhile, Richmondshire District Council has confirmed a monthly opinion poll will be conducted on The Fence website for youngsters, with those who take part entered in a prize draw.

Aimed mainly at secondary school pupils, the website features articles written by teenagers on money, health, learning and finding a job.

The first poll will ask young people what they like and dislike about living in Richmondshire.

"We are very keen to know young people's views on a wide range of issues," said the authority's policy officer, Rachel Bowles.

"This will not only help us shape community policy, but we can also try to provide the facilities and services they want."

To take part in the poll, visit