HOUSEHOLDERS in Prime Minister Tony Blair's Sedgefield constituency will pay more council tax than people living anywhere else in the country, according to latest figures.

Sedgefield Borough Council is set to levy the highest council tax across England and Wales.

Residents in houses classed as Band D for tax purposes will have to pay more than £1,300 a year.

That figure is the highest of 250 authorities that have so far set their council tax rates, according to figures posted on a web site run by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

The leader of Sedgefield Borough Council, Robert Fleming, defended the high council tax bills.

He said residents receive good value for money.

Coun Fleming said: "Most of the money through council tax goes to Durham County Council, the fire service and the police, which, I believe, serve the borough well.

"A lot of the money goes on social services and early learning centres which do brilliant work. Children through to the elderly all have to be supported. The leisure facilities also provide a lot of activities for the fees charged.

"The whole of Sedgefield Borough is parished, so there are large town and parish council precepts included in the council tax.

"These councils provide a large number of valued services, such as maintenance of parks and open spaces which people enjoy.

"The borough council held discussions with three residents' panels before setting the council tax rates and when all this was considered the people on those panels agreed with the changes."

He also said that very few residents will face such high bills because the vast majority of people live in band A properties, so pay less than the £1,376 band D property owners pay.

He said: "Band D is often used to make comparisons with other authorities but it gives a false impression.

"Most people in Sedgefield, I'd say 90 per cent or more, are paying much less because they live in band A or band B properties."

Darlington Borough Council put its council tax up 7.9pc which means that the bill, including fire and police authority precepts, for a Band D property is now £1,098.51.