TWO prominent North-East medical figures are to play a key role in shaping public health policy.

The Health Secretary, Dr John Reid, has named Ken Jarrold, chief executive of County Durham and Tees Valley Strategic Health Authority, and Professor Chris Drinkwater, of Northumbria University, to chair two task groups.

Eight task groups have been asked to recommend action that can be taken to tackle issues such as obesity, smoking and sexually transmitted infections.

The emphasis will be on how employers, industry, the NHS, schools, communities and individuals can improve people's health.

The work of the task groups is part of a project called Choosing Health?, a national consultation to improve people's health that was announced last month.

The consultation aims to stimulate a national debate on how society can create the opportunities for everyone to enjoy good health.

A White Paper on the subject is to be published in the summer.

Dr Reid said: "Their advice will help us make informed decisions about how we can all act together to improve our health.

"The White Paper will set out a coherent and focused programme of action that will make a real difference."

Ken Jarrold will be chairman of the group looking at how the NHS can improve public health.

Prof Drinkwater, who is a GP in Newcastle's deprived west end and an expert on primary care, heads the group focusing on how GPs and other primary care health staff can best contribute.

Other task group chairmen include Will Hutton, chief executive of The Work Foundation, who will concentrate on opportunities to improve public health through employment.