A FOOD expert is helping a community learn the benefits of healthy eating.

A series of cookery sessions has been organised in the Chester-le-Street area to encourage people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

It is based on the principle of eating five portions of fruit and veg a day.

Organiser and Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust (PCT) community nutrition assistant Gillian Watson said: "Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet can have a positive impact on our health.

"Durham and Chester-le-Street PCT is very keen to see more local people interested in healthy eating, particularly in increasing the amount of fruit and veg in their diets."

The first session was held yesterday at Pelton Fell Community Centre and focused on cooking for beginners.

Future sessions will be cooking for teenagers, single people, children and those on a budget.

Ms Watson said: "It is very important that people are made aware that by eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day they can lower the risk of getting cancers, coronary heart disease, diabetes and becoming obese.

"We are hoping the cookery sessions will show people that eating and preparing these foods need not be time consuming and costly and that cooking with fruit and veg can be fun and easy. Hopefully, these sessions will equip participants with the confidence to use these cooking skills in their daily lives."

The sessions are to be held every Friday. The next one will be on April 16.