LORD Gisborough got his hands dirty in the vandalised grounds of a church.

He joined students from Prior Pursglove College and Laurence Jackson School, in Guisborough, and councillors to clean up the grounds of St Nicholas Church, Guisborough.

The grounds have been plagued by drug users, who use the churchyard as a drug den, and vandals, who have destroyed and vandalised grave stones.

At a recent meeting, attended by representatives of the police, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, The Civic Society, Gisborough Estates, Prior Pursglove College, and Guisborough Market Town Initiative, it was agreed that action needed to be taken.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's community leisure manager Ged Demoily said: "We have recently met with our partners and identified where problem areas are and this is the start of addressing the issues.

"We will continue to work in partnership to get on top of the problems."

* Staff from Middlesbrough's Inland Revenue office took part in a litter pick in the woods of a National Trust property as part of their volunteer programme.

Ormesby Hall property manager Stephen Cornford said: "I immediately thought they could help us pick the large amount of litter which is either illegally dumped or blown into the woods adjoining Ladgate Lane.

"I am delighted to say that they enthusiastically agreed."

Workers are actively encouraged to take a break from their day to day tasks and get involved in the local community.

Maddy Fuller, from the Inland Revenue, said: "Our employee volunteer scheme is part of our broader goal of engaging positively and effectively with the community."