A COUNCIL hit squad is out to nail two feathered fugitives responsible for a £2,500 car wrecking spree.

At first, two-legged vandals were blamed for the damage in a council-owned car park.

Wiper blades were being stolen every day and furious vehicle owners bombarded City of York Council with complaints.

It was only when a hidden security camera was rigged up that the culprits were found to be two cheeky crows.

The birds - a male and female now dubbed Russell Crow and Sheryl Crow - have become the target of a dedicated pest control officer.

He has been told shooting them is out of the question and he cannot bring in a bird of prey.

So he is trying to lure then into a cage beneath the tree where they like to perch, but so far they haven't taken thebait.

It is thought Russell and Sheryl have attacked up to 200 cars in York's Askham Bar car park in the past five months, leaving drivers with repair bills of an average of £40.

Gwilym Thomas, park and ride officer, said: "Some people thought vandals were targeting the cars, and in a sense they were - we were just looking in the wrong place.

"It is a male and female causing the damage. He seems to have taught her what to do. They target wiper blades and sometimes the beading around the windows and then drop them on the ground."

A council spokeswoman said: "The crows have made a real pest of themselves, we have had several complaints.

"Our pest control is doing his best to remove them from the area and take away the problem."