ONE of the region's top spring flower shows will boast a new feature this year - a marquee for the country's plant societies.

Seventeen stands will be manned by plant experts at the event at Harrogate, North Yorkshire.

The experts will provide daily practical demonstrations and tips at the event on the Great Yorkshire Showground from Thursday to Sunday, April 22 to 25.

Show president Sam Cryer said the feature would be a boost for the event.

"It will prove very popular and will also give the public an opportunity to join one of the societies," he said.

The show's popularity, not only with the public but with exhibitors, is underlined by the fact that not a single space remains for exhibitions or stallholders

There is a £2 discount on tickets pre-booked before noon, on Tuesday, April 13. They are available by calling 0870 758 3333. On the gate, it costs £12 on Thursday; £10 on Friday to Saturday; and £9 on Sunday.