RELATIVES friends and teachers of a teenager who drowned in the Italian Alps during a school trip boosted a trust fund in his memory with a charity football match.

There was a poignant moment at the match in memory of 17-year-old Boro fan Alex Foulkes, a pupil at Harrogate Grammar School, when his mother, Manchula, waved a Middlesbrough FC flag.

The match, on the school's playing fields, off Arthurs Avenue, ignited the Alex Foulkes Trust Fund.

It will make grants to pupils involved in worthwhile projects reflecting Alex's interests.

Alex's father, Mike, donned his football gear, along with two of Alex's uncles, in a parent-teacher team.

Meanwhile, his 15-year-old brother, Greg, took to the field in a team representing pupils.

The fund already stands at £2,500, boosted by the football match and a disco sixth formers recently put on for 12 and 13-year-old pupils.

Alex was with 11 fellow students and two teachers when the tragedy happened last July

Donations at his funeral have already been sent to support mountain rescue teams in Italy and Britain.