FISHING vessels in part of the region are seeing a return of their fortunes through shellfish, according to a report.

Whitby's fishermen are experiencing especially good landings with a rise recently of 37 per cent, says the Scarborough Borough Council report.

Now, the authority is planning to build a £300,000 complex to hold the shellfish after they have been landed at the port's Eskside Wharf. The building would be rented to fishermen and be operated by the harbour authority.

"Shellfish landings at Whitby are forecast to increase dramatically in the next two years," says the report.

Some of the traditional trawlers have been converted in order to switch from landing white fish to target shellfish, and it is anticipated that the trend will continue.

"Shellfish will become more important as the white fish quotas and working restrictions are increased on the fishermen," adds the report.

The scheme, which is being recommended for approval by the council, is part of a new strategy for the development of the fishing industry at Scarborough, Whitby and Filey. Latest figures show 380 tonnes of shellfish were landed at Whitby last year, an all-time high.

Funding for the shellfish building complex at Whitby will come from Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, and possibly Defra, the Government's fishing and rural affairs ministry.

If approval is granted, the work is expected to be completed by mid-2005.

At Scarborough, landings of shellfish are about half those of Whitby and there are existing facilities on the West Pier.