PLANS to build a block of flats near the planned route of a city road should be refused, according to a senior planning officer.

Finton Lyle Limited is seeking permission for a four-storey block of nine flats next to Kingdom Hall, in St Wilfrid's Road, Ripon.

Planning officer Mike Warden is recommending refusal when members of Harrogate Borough Council meet on April 15.

Mr Warden said part of the site was reserved in the local plan for a road from the North Street junction with Coltsgate Hill to Blossomgate.

He said the conservation area site had no provision for affordable homes and because of the scheme's size, it would be harmful to the character of the conservation area.

Ripon City Council said the flats would be too near the road, that there was not enough parking, and that the scheme would be overintensive for an "already overdeveloped area."

Concern has also been expressed by members of the Civic Society, who thought the development was insensitive to the area.