A BEER and wine maker from Stockton has been named the country's top brewer, after 31 years of trying.

Keith Simpson, 71, of Darlington Road, Hartburn, won the national wine-making title in 1986, but the master brewer title had always eluded him, until now.

He took four first prizes, a second and three fifth places to score the most points overall in 12 beer classes which had 491 different entries.

The tally was enough to land the Wilf Newsom Cup at the annual National Association of Wine and Beer Makers competition, which was held in Weston Super Mare at the weekend.

His first places were earned for his heavy lager, sweet stout, strong ale and porter.

Mr Simpson said: "I'm over the moon. I've been showing beer at the nationals for 31 years and I've finally done it, so I'm quite pleased with myself."

Competitors use the same ingredients as professional brewers, rather than kits, and the competition is fierce.

Mr Simpson said: "I've got to know a lot of these lads over the years and there are some really class brewers, so I'm really pleased to have won. Bill Elks, from London, has won the title many times, but this time I beat him into second. He came over and said 'I must be losing my touch', to which I replied 'No, I'm getting better'."

Alan Eldret , chairman of the association, said: "Keith was a very popular winner and the enormous cheers he got when it was announced were not just from his fellow brewers from the North-East, but from those attending from all round the country, reflecting his widespread popularity and respect as a brewer.

"I have known Keith and his wife, Audrey, for some years and really appreciate the help they give to NAWB each year in some of the general administration jobs. But, more importantly, I believe we have a master brewer who really knows his craft and is a credit to our hobby."

Mr Simpson put a lot his success down to the quality of water in Stockton, plus fine ingredients from the Hop and Grape shop in Darlington