EUROPE: ANYONE who has waded through the 350 pages of the proposed EU constitution knows it is a weapon of mass destruction of all the member states, including our country. Tony Blair must give us a choice on this new constitution.

In fact it is not a constitution at all. It is little more than an elaborate attempt to legitimise the seizure of power by bureaucrats. If it succeeds, Westminster will become redundant, becoming no more than a tourist attraction. Local governments, including regional assemblies, will be beholden to Brussels.

The EU constitution will make law, instead of creating a framework for law-making. It will offer no effective checks and balances to control future law-makers. It will consolidate power for a system of government by a self-perpetuating bureaucracy. It will put politicians above the law. It will turn the member states from theoretical masters of the house of Brussels into its servants. We will be faced with a government we cannot remove, nor hold to account. We will no longer have an effective choice of who governs us.

Brussels also wants control of our defence and foreign policy, our army, and all our assets - oil, gold, foreign reserves, pension funds, and what remains of our fishing and farming industries.

Importantly, the constitution says "the currency of the Union shall be the euro." There will be no choice. We must demand a say whether we want this all embracing change; we must not be silent we must demand a referendum on the EU constitution. - Chris Williamson, chairman Durham Branch, UK Independence Party.


PEOPLE are getting killed on a daily basis in Iraq. I just hope that our lads leave around about June this year. We can't be the world's policemen forever, it's just too expensive, apart from losing personnel.

And I'd like to see us withdraw from Kosovo also, the way terrorists are acting, we may need the troops back here. I'm afraid that the rest of the world will have to fend for itself for a while or perhaps the UN troops can replace our lads. - F Atkinson, Shincliffe


IT is amazing how times change. The Fire Brigades Union regional chairman is against several small fire brigades being amalgamated because it might help terrorists.

Does he not know that 60 years ago there was only one public fire brigade in this country, covering the whole of England, Scotland and Wales?

That brigade fought against one of the most effective terrorists in the world, that was the German Luffwaffe, who created the blitz on all British cities.

That National Fire Brigade was effective.

In the 56 years since the fire brigades were de-nationalised, technology has advanced greatly, with computers and satellite communications and many other devices.

If a terrorist blew up a telephone exchange it would make little difference to communication, as most homes in this country have at least one mobile phone. With these technical devices it should be possible to have a reserve control centre operating if the one in use is not protected efficiently.

One of the benefits of a large brigade is that the equipment is standardised. - E Reynolds, Wheatley Hill


PETER Winstanley (Echo, Apr 3) was completely wrong to describe the two world wars as an "achievement of Western Christian Civilisation".

Can he explain what was remotely civilised or democratic about Adolf Hitler? The truth is that the mass slaughter in the 20th century was largely due to fascism under Hitler and Communism under Stalin.

Fascism was defeated in six years and communism was thankfully rejected by Russia and all the countries of the Eastern Bloc after years of failure and misery.

He is also wrong to state that the West is indifferent to the suffering of the poorer nations. Western democracy and capitalism has been to the forefront in the fight against Aids and malaria in Africa and elsewhere.

We are now in a position of great danger which has not been helped by the disastrous and unnecessary war in Iraq. A training ground and a recruiting area for the very terrorists who have caused so much suffering to the innocents in the East and the West.

The vast majority of those of Islamic faith are no doubt against terrorism, but unfortunately it only takes a minority of extremists to cause death and injuries to those who have done nothing more than to have been going about their daily lives.

Please, Mr Winstanley, learn to appreciate the democracy and freedom which allows you to air your views in "Hear All Sides". - John Martin, Easington.


TOM Blenkinsop (HAS, Apr 5) claims that if we give the go ahead for a North-East regional assembly it will mean fewer quangos and few bureaucrats. Really? On what grounds does he make such an extraordinary claim?

If it were true it would be unprecedented, for if past experience tells us anything it is that any major reorganisation of local government inevitably generates more bureaucracy as well as more waste, extravagance and maladministration.

What is chiefly wrong with local government is the virtual unaccountability of politicians and officials, especially the latter. A regional assembly, making them more remote, would if anything make them more unaccountable. - T Kelly, Crook.


DID you serve in the cruiser HMS Newcastle (1937-1958) or HMS Newcastle Type 42 Destroyer 1977 to be withdrawn from service later this year?

Our association is around 400 strong worldwide, and our ninth reunion is to take place in September in the Royal Sailors Home Club, Portsmouth. Please contact me. - Bill Thompson, Founder, Vice-President, HMS Newcastle Association, 4 Voltigeur Drive, Hart Village, Hartlepool TS27 3RS.