SWAT (12, Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, Buy DVD £19.99/VHS £12.99): Starring: Colin Farrell, Samuel L Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Michelle Rodriguez, Ll Cool J .

INSPIRED by the popular 1970s US TV series of the same name, the screen is filled with explosions, flying bullets and gung-ho Los Angeles cops destroying their beloved city in the pursuit of justice. Elite SWAT officers on armed escort for arrested drug lord Alex Montel (Martinez) face trouble when Montel offers a $100m reward on live television to anyone who can free him from custody. Director Johnson orchestrates the action sequences with breathless abandon. For brainless fun, this. does exactly what it says on the tin. But no more.

DVD Extras: Director and actors commentaries, eight deleted scenes, Anatomy Of A Shootout featurette, Making Of SWAT featurette, TV's Original Super Cops featurette, blooper reel, cast and crew filmographies, theatrical trailer.

Peter Pan (PG, Universal Pictures Video, DVD £19.99/VHS £14.99)

Stars: Jeremy Sumpter, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Jason Isaacs, PJ Hogan's daring new version of Peter Pan remains true to Jm Barrie's original vision, albeit in a breathless, abbreviated form. Radiant newcomer Hurd-Wood and blonde Sumpter (a teen poster-boy in the making) gel incredibly well while Isaacs, as both Mr Darling and Hook, is relegated disappointingly to the background.

DVD Extras: Alternative ending, deleted scenes, Neverland Forest, Black Castle, Pirate's Ship, Home Underground, DVD Credits.

Published: 22/04/2004