AN activity scheme for young people with learning or physical disabilities has moved.

On Track, which was organised by Sunderland Youth Development's Inclusion Project, was based at the YMCA at Fencehouses, near Chester-le-Street.

It has now moved to Dubmire Primary Community School, in Fencehouses.

Andy Neal, acting principal officer, said: "The club, christened On Track by the youngsters themselves, enjoyed a long association with Fencehouses YMCA, but circumstances meant we began to look around for alternative accommodation and Dubmire came out on top, offering the best facilities."

"The school is ideal not only because it is still in the Fencehouses area, but also because the building is also totally accessible to everyone, including those of our young people with physical disabilities who can use the building fully, which gives them a sense of equality and independence."

It has outdoor facilities and indoors there will be access to everything from arts and crafts to table top games.

Mr Neal said: "The young people will also be participating in Duke of Edinburgh Award schemes, taking part in Citywide Residential and holiday activity days."