FORMER Health Secretary Alan Milburn said he wants charities to carry out tests for Aids to cut waiting lists.

The Darlington MP risked angering Labour traditionalists by calling for voluntary groups to be paid to deliver services run by the NHS.

The proposal is controversial because it appears to threaten the break-up of the NHS and because it echoes similar proposals put forward by Conservatives.

In a speech to the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations, Mr Milburn said well-run charities could help public services.

Examples were the Red Cross, RNID or RNIB providing community equipment for the disabled, such as wheelchairs and specialist mattresses.

Mr Milburn said: "I am not talking about replacing the NHS or other state services, but working together to make those public services more responsive and flexible."

Darlington MP Mr Milburn also said the Government should also give a stronger role to residents' organisation and tenants' groups on council estates.