ARCHERY enthusiasts are preparing to celebrate their club's tenth anniversary with a public open day.

Thirsk Bowmen was set up on May 24, 1994, by Derek and Linda Wilcock.

The club now has about 40 members and is keen to promote archery at all levels.

To celebrate its anniversary, the club has organised an open day on Sunday, May 23, from 2pm until 5pm, when visitors will be able to have a go at archery under the supervision of experienced archers.

Those interested in the sport will be able to sign up for a place on one of the training courses, which run throughout the summer months.

The open day will take place at the club's outdoor shooting range at Baldersby Park, which lies between Topcliffe and Baldersby St James.

Club chairman Mr Wilcock said: "Archery is a sport that everyone can take part in and enjoy. Whether you are young, old, able-bodied or disabled come and join our celebrations and have a go."