A CATHEDRAL surrounded by the biggest concentration of military bases in Europe is pressing ahead with plans for a chapel of justice and peace.

The chapel will be created in the north aisle of Ripon Cathedral to cement strong links between the minster and the Armed Forces.

Ripon is near Catterick Garrison, Menwith Hill, RAF Leeming, RAF Dishforth, RAF Topcliffe, the air base at Linton-on-Ouse and Army barracks in Ripon.

Dean of Ripon the Very Reverend John Methuen said: "We have been seeking to strengthen links between the cathedral and armed services over the past few years."

The chapel would be a permananent base for armed services to be represented in church life.

Meanwhile, Dean Methuen said the chapel would provide a focus for concerns about world peace around the world, including Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Sudan, Zimbabwe, The Balkans and Northern Ireland.

In February last year, a shrine of justic and peace was dedicated at Ripon Cathedral.

The shrine has already brought religions together, notably last year when members of Leeds Muslim Forum and Scarborough Islamic Society used it as a venue to pray for peace.