Holistic therapy can help treat all sorts of conditions - from arthritic dogs to women with fertility problems. Women's Editor Christen Pears reports.

EVERYONE likes to pet their dog - it's beneficial for both dog and owner. But imagine going that extra step and giving your pet a massage. That's just what holistic therapist and dog breeder Victoria Herbert did when she realised one of her Rottweilers had a twisted pelvis.

Like many big dogs, Rottweilers are prone to hip problems and should be x-rayed before they're used for breeding. When Victoria had her bitch Cleo x-rayed, she discovered her pelvis wasn't aligned correctly. This affected her gait - something for which she would be penalised in the show ring.

This was something Victoria had come across in her sports and remedial massage work and she decided to try to transfer her skills from humans to canines. Cleo now walks properly and made it to Crufts this year.

"She didn't win anything but we thoroughly enjoyed our run up and down the red carpet," says Victoria.

Since then, Victoria has developed a special canine massage, which is particularly beneficial for dogs that have arthritis or have been injured. It can help keep them supple after a long walk. Victoria's older bitch, Sheba, can now go for three-mile walks, despite her arthritis.

"I've always been interested in sports massage so this was a natural step in a way. I spent a long time practising on my dogs to perfect the technique. Dogs love it. They love being petted anyway and mine always come and ask for a massage."

Victoria also offers advice for dog owners and breeders on herbal supplements, holistic rearing and natural rearing but there's much more to her business than dogs. She runs Healing Harmony, a holistic health and advice centre in Chester-le-Street, which offers a range of treatments, including aromatherapy, massage and reflexology. She specialises in sports massage and women's health, particularly fertility problems.

One of her major success stories is Alison Bell, from Annfield Plain, who had struggled to become pregnant with her six-year-old son, Jonathan. After years of failing to conceive, she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome and prescribed a drug to regulate ovulation.

Although Alison and husband Chris wanted to have more children, she was reluctant to undergo more fertility treatment. They weren't using contraception but had given up hope of having another baby.

Then Alison was introduced to Victoria. She says: "I know Victoria's mum and we just got chatting one day. I'd been put on some anti-inflammatory drugs which weren't agreeing with me and she suggested I talked to Victoria about herbal alternatives."

Victoria advised basic lifestyle changes, including diet and nutrition, cutting out alcohol and drinking more water. She also recommended herbal and vitamin supplements, as well as a course of reflexology. Three months later, Alison was pregnant and now has a four-month-old son, James.

"I wasn't really expecting to get pregnant but I decided to give it a try because I thought it would be good for my health and I had nothing to lose by that point. I went for reflexology once a week and then I found I was pregnant. It was a huge surprise. I couldn't believe it."

Reflexology is an ancient healing technique that balances the body's systems and can also be used as a diagnostic tool. Problems in the body show up on the corresponding area of the foot.

"We're not allowed to diagnose in the same way a GP can but we can see where someone might have a problem. It could be something major or as simple as they've just had a big meal and they're still digesting it. It all shows up," says Victoria.

Victoria, who lives in Leadgate, trained at Derwentside College. She spent one year studying body massage, anatomy and physiology and went back to learn aromatherapy, reflexology and Indian head massage.

Before embarking on her new career, she did a variety of jobs. Her last post was as a mobile care worker, and she did a lot of work with the Alzheimer's Society in Consett. She's still on the committee and offers free treatment and education.

"I've found my vocation. It's something I wish I'd done ten or 15 years ago," she says.

Victoria opened the business in February and is already expanding, opening another treatment room. The most popular treatment is the Universal Contour Wrap, which removes toxins from the body, and although clients don't lose weight, they do lose inches. It's particularly popular with brides and those preparing for a special occasion. Victoria, a slim size ten anyway, lost 17 inches during her first treatment and 14 during her second.

New treatments are being added all the time, including hot stone massage, manicures and pedicures, and there is a range of herbal products and supplements for sale.

* Healing Harmony, Bridge End Chambers, Front Street, Chester-le-Street, 0191-387553.