VULNERABLE people who are looked after at home or who receive residential care should soon be benefiting from a better service.

A learning support unit is being developed within North Yorkshire County Council's social services.

Social care workers will receive training and other opportunities, such as computerised learning packages.

The scheme includes all care workers whether they work for the county council or are employed by private care companies.

The unit will also deliver a series of National Vocational Qualifications in care across the whole social care sector.

Executive member for social services Murray Naylor said: "The level of skill required by the social care workforce is exceptionally high.

"The package of measures which the directorate has put together to ensure that sufficient skilled people are available to deliver high quality services in the future is highly innovative and therefore capable of achieving its aim."

Director of social services Rosemary Archer said: "This new unit is a key part of the directorate's drive to ensure that North Yorkshire has a social care workforce which is as highly skilled as possible.

"We take seriously the responsibility to make sure people have the right skills."