A BID to ban cold calling for home repairs and maintenance has been launched in the Commons.

The move comes six months after The Northern Echo launched the Doorstoppers campaign calling for a law to be introduced.

Labour's Gordon Marsden said a ban would stop cowboy builders from preying "like vultures" on vulnerable old people.

The Blackpool South MP said some victims been encouraged to part with thousands of pounds on the doorstep by rogue traders undertaking unnecessary or "shoddy" work.

Introducing his Doorstep Selling (Property Repairs) Bill, Mr Marsden said nearly half of all complaints about doorstep selling related to home repairs and improvements.

"Cold calling for property repairs is not just a way for cowboy builders to drum up trade. It has also become a preferred cover for criminals targeting vulnerable, frail and elderly people," he said.

The Bill, which has cross-party support and the backing of Help the Aged, was given an unopposed formal first reading.

Doorstoppers was launched last year with the aim of outlawing cold calling for home repairs and raising awareness among the elderly about bogus callers.

It won support from trading standards officials and police forces, as well as reputable building firms, utility companies and welfare organisations for the elderly.

Lysa Ralph, national senior safety manager of Help the Aged, said: "We know that selling property repairs is one of the main 'fronts' used by rogue traders, bogus callers and distraction burglars, and that criminals are targeting older people across the country, charging outrageous prices for shoddy work or no work at all."