A Darlington couple celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary today put their success down to being two individuals in love.

Bill and Betty Jackson, of Alwin Road, said the past 60 years have been happy ones .

The couple met at school in Chilton, and started dating in their teens. They married on May 20, 1944, in Chilton Methodist Church.

During the war, Mr Jackson, 84, served with the Royal Air Force on Malta.

Later, the couple moved to Darlington. In 1950, Mr Jackson worked as a civil servant, becoming manager in the Department of Employment in the town. He said: "I'm more than proud of where we are today. I put it down to love, understanding and a lot of give and take."

Mrs Jackson spent much of her working life in dress shops in Darlington.

She said: "We always said that a relationship is about being an individual with your own opinions. There is no boss in our relationship, it is a partnership."

The couple will celebrate their anniversary with friends in Harrowgate Hill Methodist Church tonight and with family at the weekend.