The wraps are to come off a secret garden which has helped to introduced green-fingered skills to a group of young people.

A new community allotment, created on an overgrown patch of land by teenagers from ex-colliery communities, will be officially opened by Houghton and Washington MP Fraser Kemp, on Friday.

The finished garden is the culmination of months of hard work by 32 youngsters, aged 13 upwards, from across the former Durham coalfield area, overseen by the children and young people's charity, Barnardo's.

All those involved attend a Barnardo's project at The Hive, in Queensway, Houghton-le-Spring.

A plot of suitable land, measuring around quarter of an acre, was identified on nearby Seaham Road Allotments last summer.

The young people came up with the idea themselves, meeting to draw up plans, and taking part in a poster competition to publicise the project.

Over the winter local people and contractors helped to get the site up to a workable standard, including installing a security fence, putting up sheds and a secure container to store tools.

Footpaths and a grass area were laid, while raised beds were constructed.

The young people then began working regularly on the site, taking part in various activities, from sowing seeds to making willow hurdle fences. Barnardo's worker Audrey Bewick, based at The Hive, said the allotment literally became a hive of activity.

"Basically, it was a piece of overgrown land, but with a lot of hard work and enthusiasm it's completely turned round.

"We're ready to launch now as the weather is so fine that everything is starting to grow."

Mrs Bewick paid tribute to all those who have helped the young "green team", particularly site neighbour, local businessman Wilf Husband, who has even rolled up his sleeves to do some of the physical work himself.

"The young people have also got really into this by bringing in their own things, to develop compost bins, and make bird boxes and willow fences."

Much of the produce will be shared out and eaten later in the year, but the group also plans to stage a Harvest Festival.

Friday's launch takes place at the allotments site, in Seaham Road, at 10.45am.