HUNDREDS of Norwegian bikers visited the region yesterday as part of a 500-strong convoy.

The foreign visitors were greeted with their national flag flying from the tower of Hartlepool Art Gallery, in Church Square, the first time a foreign flag has ever been flown on its mast.

Bikers from the Geordie Chapter of Harley-Davidson owners travelled to Norway last week and brought 350 members of the Bergen Chapter back with them.

The convoy of bikes visited York on Saturday before stopping in Hartlepool at lunchtime yesterday.

The bikes filled the car park at the town's Historic Quay and the presidents of the town's Inner Wheel and Rotary Club organisations took the chance to have a ride on the back of organiser Paul Abbott's Harley.

The bikers then roared up the A19 on the way to the North Shields ferry terminal, calling at Just Harleys, a specialist bike shop in Newcastle, for a game of football.