FUNDRAISING efforts by young people in North Yorkshire have come to fruition with the opening of a £32,000 skatepark.

Teenagers in Bedale have been campaigning for a dedicated site to enjoy their sport and their hard work paid off at the weekend with the official opening of the park.

Skateboarders, BMX bikers and inline wheelers rolled into town on Saturday to attend the event opened by the Mayor of Bedale, Councillor Ellen Dunning, and Councillor John Weighell, leader of North Yorkshire County Council.

Youngsters from Bedale Recreation Association and Bedale Youth Club were instrumental in helping to secure the skatepark and helped at every stage in the planning, from fundraising to designing the park layout. It has taken four years for the park to be created.

Ian Marr, district manager of North Yorkshire County Council's community education service, said: "The skatepark will give young people from across Bedale and Masham district a chance to develop their skills at a purpose-made facility.

"We're extremely grateful to the organisations who have supported this valuable community facility and given young people a fantastic place to meet.

"The skatepark is a symbol of how a community, young and old, can work together to great effect - this event is something Bedale as a whole can be extremely proud of."

The park has a range of skating equipment, including a quarter-pipe, funbox, low quarter-pipe and grinding edge, which are often enjoyed by more than 100 young people at once.

Young skateboarders raised £250 towards the £33,000 park with other funding coming from Yorventure, Hambleton District Council, Bedale Recreation Association and Bedale Town Council among others.

At the opening experienced skateboarders from Popcorn, a skate shop in Northallerton, demonstrated their skills and passed on tips to enthusiasts. They also donated prizes for a skating competition.

The county council's executive member for education, Coun Chris Metcalfe, said: "This new facility has taken almost four years from concept to completion and the opening is the culmination of much hard work, frustration and several steep learning curves, although not as steep as the quarter-pipe."

The event was organised by the county's community education service, Connecting Youth Culture, Bedale Recreation Association and Bedale Town Council.