FORMER pop star and Government-backed music guru Feargal Sharkey has hailed a North-East music forum a success.

Mr Sharkey, a former singer in the Undertones and current chairman of the Government's Live Music Forum, attended a three-day convention in the region last month.

The event, organised by regional music development agencies Generator and Teesside With Love at The Arc, in Stockton, was based around a series of workshops about surviving in the music industry.

The event culminated in a panel session with Mr Sharkey.

He said: "Generator's goal of developing links between the national music industry and the region's musicians and raising the profile of the region's creativity will benefit performers, audiences and the music industry across the North-East."

Meanwhile, Generator has received backing from mobile telephone company Orange to improve support for musicians.

The agency's eight-month project is titled Orange Mission and includes plans to hold more live music events, promote bands to London record company agents, hold more seminars and encourage young talent.

Published: 04/06/2004