A COLOURFUL solution has been devised to keep hordes of flies from bugging lollipop ladies and men.

Six crossing patrol wardens in Darlington have been issued with orange jackets and hats instead of the standard yellow uniform, to deter insects from attacking them.

The trial has worked a treat and Darlington Borough Council has now ordered fluorescent orange outfits for all of its 42 wardens.

Denise Coley, the authority's assistant road safety officer, said: "Last year, the wardens were absolutely driven nuts by these black flies.

"They were making little paper fans and things to try to bat them away but nothing worked. They were jumping around to try and get rid of them and finding it really hard to concentrate on the road and the children.

"We're convinced it was the yellow they were attracted to as they are now staying away.

Lollipop lady Elsie Collins, 71, from Cockerton, said she was driven to distraction by the harvest flies as she tried to help children get to school.

"Last year, especially, it was horrendous. We were absolutely smothered in them.

"I wear glasses and they got behind those and in your ears and mouth. This year, the orange jackets seem to be keeping them away, so we're delighted."

* The council is in need of more wardens. Recruits can be aged up to 75 and receive full training. Hours are during term time, with a retainer paid in school holidays. Crossing points are usually staffed from 8.20am to 9.05am and 3.30pm to 4pm.

Anyone interested in becoming a crossing patrol warden can call (01325) 388783.