A facility to benefit children across Hartlepool will be launched on Monday.

The toy library and arts and craft shop is based in a unit on the town's Usworth Road Industrial Estate.

Nearly £20,000 has been ploughed into the scheme, run by Hartlepool Families First, and aimed at schools, youth groups, day nurseries, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs, after school clubs and families.

Kim Rowntree, childcare development worker with the Hartlepool SureStart Partnership, said: "We wanted to create a central facility that could be used to benefit children all over the town and we are now delighted to be on the verge of launching it.

"There will be a wide range of toys and other items, including bouncy castles, available for hire.

"The arts and crafts materials that are sold will also include a lot of recycled items. There will also be a range of toys and equipment for children with special needs."

There will be an annual membership fee, ranging from £25 for schools to £5 for families.

Hire charges will vary, with some items being free.

Funding comes from the Hartlepool SureStart Partnership, the Northern Rock Foundation, Hartlepool Council's Community Services Department and local charity Hartlepool Families First.

For further information about the facility call (01429) 284065.