CLEVELAND police hope to launch a scheme to crackdown on alcohol-fuelled violence in Guisborough.

Under the banner No Winners in this Fight, it would use CCTV cameras in town centre pubs, plus publicity material, to get the message across to drinkers.

It is hoped that £34,000 of funding for the two-year campaign will be approved by Guisborough Market Town Initiative.

The police will then work in partnership with organisations such as Guisborough Business Association, Guisborough Town Council, Pubwatch, and Arriva.

The partners intend to issue free items to promote the scheme, including pizza boxes, beer mats and T-shirts for bar staff with the No Winners in this Fight motif printed on them. There would also be message boards on exits to pubs and posters on Arriva buses.

Selected pubs would be installed with CCTV, and landlords would be given lollipops to distribute to customers at closing time.

The police say they are still waiting for the outcome of a decision on funding for the project, but if it is cleared, they would manage the fund in partnership with Redcar and Cleveland Community Safety Partnership.

Insp Jim Brown, who is co-ordinating the proposed campaign, said: "I trust that the initiative will make a sustainable difference in the policing of Guisborough and will make the town a more pleasurable and safer place for residents to enjoy."

Coun Bill Clarke, chairman of Guisborough Town Council, said: "If funding is given, we feel this would drive down anti-social behaviour seen in Guisborough on Friday and Saturday nights.

"The problems are sporadic, not endemic, and occur now and again when people have had too many drinks. This initiative is not heavy-handed but looks at other ways of tackling the problem.

"It's hoped that funding will be found for a further initiative which would use Guisborough as a pilot town to help evaluate the impact of any late licensing."