TRADING standards officers are warning people to be on their guard after bogus callers tried to obtain £240 from an elderly woman.

Two men wearing bright yellow workmen's jackets knocked at the woman's home, in Darlington, on Thursday, saying they had been called to unblock her drains because they were overflowing.

Liz Crowe, from Darlington Trading Standards, said: "They didn't say who they were or where they were from, and then went to unblock the drain, but the lady watched them and they just seemed to hang around for half-an-hour.

"They asked to go into her home, but she wouldn't let them and then tried to charge her £240 for the work.

"She didn't pay them, but they said they would be sending her a bill and would get a solicitor on to her."

She said: "We are concerned that these men are targeting people in the area and we want to warn people and remind them to keep their doors locked, and the chain on and not let anyone into their homes unless they know who they are.

"They need to check the caller's identification and call the police or their local Neighbourhood Watch if they are concerned."

The Northern Echo launched its Doorstoppers campaign last year with the aim of increasing awareness of bogus official crimes. It has the support of police, trading standard officials and elderly care groups

Anyone with information about the bogus workmen can contact Darlington police on (01325) 467681.