MONTHS of hard work by a devoted band of Bedale Golf Club members, led by Craig Harrison and club chairman Ian Smith, reached fruition last Saturday with the presentation of the Junior Golf Mark award by Anthony Abraham, chairman of the National Coaching Committee and English Golf Union representative.

The award recognises the club's belief in the value of golf as a positive and beneficial experience for young people and rewards its excellence in coaching, playing, child protection and duty of care for all juniors.

It follows the launching of The Junior Golfing Handbook earlier in the year and the meetings and inspections carried out by the EGU representatives.

Bedale is one of only eight clubs out of 189 in the Yorkshire Union to hold the certificate.

Members of the junior committee involved include Jean Harvey, Mark Smith, Bill Barclay, Tony Burnett, Tim Morris, Matthew Day, Steven Whitwham, Steven Pearce, Tony Johnson, Sam Johnson, Kevin Palethorpe, Dennis Black and Michael Jonas.

The presentation rounded off a day of events for all junior members. A scramble for junior teams led by officials which included the captain, lady captain and president was followed by a Tiny Tigers competition and a barbecue.