THE mother of murdered schoolgirl Sarah Payne will visit the region at the weekend to attend a conference for murder victims.

Sara Payne, along with Denise Bulger, the mother of murdered Liverpool toddler James, will be guests at the North of England Victims' Association meeting.

The charity, founded by David Hines in 1992, is holding its sixth annual conference at the Little Haven Hotel, South Shields, South Tyneside, tomorrow.

More than 110 victims are attending the meeting and guest speakers include Government minister Baroness Patricia Scotland and Frances Flaxington, head of the victims unit at the Home Office.

Representatives from independent victims organisations from the US and Australia will also be speaking.

Mr Hines, of Jarrow, South Tyneside, set up the victims group after his 23-year-old daughter, Marie, was murdered by a former boyfriend.