CONTROVERSIAL plans to demolish a leisure centre and theatre and replace them with a supermarket have been backed by the chairman of a regeneration group.

Billingham Partnership chairman Kevin Pitt has written to the Government Office North-East reiterating the partnership's support for demolishing the Billingham Forum complex and building a replacement facility, on the town's John Whitehead Park.

Despite objections from local people, including a 10,000-name petition from the Save our Theatre group and a 5,000-name petition from Friends of the Park, Stockton Borough Council agreed the plans in principle in May.

The application was referred to the Government for a final decision, and the council said it would work with potential developers to try to save the theatre.

Government officers are considering if a public inquiry over the plans is needed.

In his letter, Mr Pitt acknowledged the strength of feeling among some residents, but said the plans were an important step forward for Billingham.

He said: "We believe the plans are sound on planning grounds and represent the best way forward for regenerating Billingham town centre and are supported by the majority of local residents."

Last year, all 16,000 households in Billingham were sent a brochure outlining the plans and asking for their views.

The 1,006 responses showed 51 per cent of people backed the plans, while 47 per cent opposed them.