STUDENTS are taking their first steps in business this summer thanks to two companies.

Paul Ringer, 19, of Consett, will spend two months with engineering company Doby Verrolec, of Stanley.

A mechanical engineering student at Birmingham University, he will analyse one of the company's core products to look at ways of improving it with modern production methods and materials. He said: "I am really looking forward to the challenge."

Ruth Batty, 20, studies business economics at the University of Durham and has joined Cox Surgical, at Stanley, to complete a business systems project.

The placement scheme is run by the Shell Technology Enterprise Programme (Step).

It matches second-year undergraduates with businesses that need projects completing, and is co-ordinated by Derwentside Industrial Development Agency.

Miss Batty said: "I am sure Step will be a great experience and it is an excellent programme to have on your CV rather than an ordinary holiday job.

"I think it will really give me an advantage when it comes to job-searching and my career."

Mike Hawkins, of regional development agency One NorthEast, said: "Step offers students an excellent opportunity for valuable work experience.

"It is also good for small businesses, bringing numerous benefits including cost-savings, and for the region as it encourages undergraduates to see the career opportunities open to them in the area."