The Inaugural AGM of the Richmond & Catterick Darts League will be held on Friday 16th July at the Board Inn, Richmond. All interested teams, old & new, must be represented at the Roll Call, which takes place at 8.30 pm.

Flyfishing: Another brown trout of about 2lbs was caught and returned during the week of the Felling Flyfishers. The best total catch was 20 rainbows caught and all retuned by club member Peter Metcalfe during 2 sessions. The average weight of fish in the reservoir is 2lbs and a number of 3lb fish were taken, but the bigger ones, up to 6lbs+, appear to be elusive. Successful flies are still black buzzers,

G.R.H.E., pheasant tails and the fly which has probably accounted for more catches than any other, the Dawson's olive. The rod average was 3.1