THE first opera to be staged on a railway station platform got Parliamentary approval yesterday as former health secretary Alan Milburn visited the set.

The Darlington MP was at the town's railway museum, where preparations for the Blaze! opera are well under way.

More than 100 youngsters from the Tees Valley are taking part in the show, which has been created by Northern Stage and Creative Partnerships.

Teesside-based opera star Suzannah Clarke put them through their paces ahead of the event, which is staged from July 27 to 31.

Mr Milburn said: "I am delighted and very proud that Darlington is staging Blaze!, which is one of the most exciting projects involving young people ever to be held in the Tees Valley.

"Northern Stage and Creative Partnerships Tees Valley should be congratulated for organising such a momentous event. I hope as many people as possible will show their support for the children."

Published: 16/07/2004