A CORONER yesterday recorded a verdict of accidental death on a pub manager killed in a car crash on the A1.

The inquest at Alnwick heard that Sean Meecham, 30, was travelling north on the A1 at the Highlaws junction, north of Morpeth, Northumberland, when the accident took place at about 10am on Monday, February 23.

Seventy-five year-old John Haswell, of Thropton, Northumberland, was pulling out of the junction on to the A1 in his Saab at the time.

PC Simon Smith said Mr Haswell had said: "I was of the opinion nothing was coming, that's why I pulled out. The sun was dazzling my eyes, I didn't see anything."

Mr Meecham's Citroen car swerved once to avoid Mr Haswell's car and again to miss oncoming traffic before it span and hit a tree.

Collision investigator PC John Middleton said: "In my opinion, the primary cause of this collision was the Saab driver having been dazzled by the sunshine.

"In his own admission, he failed to give way, and that resulted in the deceased's harsh and evasive manoeuvre."

Coroner Ian McCreath recorded a verdict of accidental death.

Mr Meecham, of Brook Terrace, Darlington, was manager of the Lascelles pub, in Fenby Avenue, in the town. He was a former employee of The Northern Echo.

His mother, Fiona, said he was a family man who was close to his brother and three sisters. She said: "He was the kindest, nicest son any mother could ever want."

His father, Don, said: "He loved his football. He played for a number of teams and supported Manchester United."