A DRIVER was spared a ban after amassing 12 penalty points on his licence.

Magistrates yesterday fined Adrian John Bishop, 35, of Oakwood Drive, Darlington, £100 after he admitted ignoring double-white lines on the A66.

His licence was also endorsed with three penalty points bringing it to a total of 12 points.

However, magistrates decided not to disqualify him from driving after hearing he needed to drive as part of his job.

Bishop, a quality and process engineer at Newells Limited, in Sunderland, said he did an average of 10,000 miles a year for his job.

He said: "I travel in Europe and around the world. Obviously my job would be at risk if I was disqualified as I would not be able to fulfil a big part of the job.

"It would also be very difficult for me to get another job with a similar background and experience."

Bishop, a single-parent, said he would also have to sell his house if he lost his job.

The chairman of the Darlington bench, said: "If there are any more offences you would be unable to plead exceptional hardship. You've got your son to think about."

Bishop was also ordered to pay £35 costs.