BUDDING rugby league players earned Bronze Skills Awards at a three-day training camp in Bishop Auckland this week.

The town's rugby club hosted a summer holiday activity scheme organised through a partnership between the Rugby Football League, Durham Sport, Wear Valley Sport Action Zone and volunteer bureau 2D.

Durham Tigers, who train and play at Bishop's West Mills Playing Fields, are aiming to develop an under-12s team for next season.

Coaching has begun in three schools and further rugby festivals are planned.

The Tigers made a successful bid for Awards for All funding to develop their activities and some of the money is being allocated to the junior section.

Club secretary Phil Selby said: "Plans are well under way to develop junior rugby in Bishop Auckland. We now need to ensure that as many children as possible, are given opportunities to play the game."

Wear Valley club development officer Nigel Douthwaite said: "We've been working with Bishop Auckland Rugby Club on ideas to encourage more players and volunteers and to promote use of their venue.

"Development of junior Tigers should provide an injection of interest in both rugby codes (league and union), and provide opportunities for overall club growth."

Free junior training is tomorrow, August 7 and 21 from 10am to 11.30am. No experience is needed and transport may be provided.

For details call Phil Selby on 0191-384 9809, or Martin Flynn on 0191-433 3822.