DURHAM Wildlife Trust's new season of adult education activities are about to begin at Rainton Meadows Visitor Centre, in Houghton, and Low Barns Centre, in Witton-le-Wear.

The Never Too Late project is a series of walks and talks for the over-18s when adults can have the kind of fun usually reserved for children.

No experience is necessary and the sessions are an opportunity to learn more about the abundance of wildlife that surrounds us.

The first adult pond dipping event takes place on Sunday and is a chance to explore one of the water stretches at Rainton Meadows.

Visitors will be able to find frogs, newts, water snails and pond skaters which make their homes in the meadows.

The season continues throughout next month and includes wild flower identification, walks, bat and moth nights and birdwatching walks at Joe's Pond, which is regularly visited by more than 140 species of birds.

Julie Fulton, the trust's people and wildlife manager, said: "Why should kids have all the fun? The Never Too Late series of activities can open up a whole new world of knowledge and experience for anyone with an interest in learning more about their environment."

She added: "The informal nature of the workshops make it as easy as possible for adults to access wildlife exploration, through practical activities that are far more conducive to learning than a classroom set-up."

Anyone interested in taking part in the sessions should call 0191-584 3112.