GARDENERS are being urged to enter the revived Durham Autumn Horticultural Show in September.

The new committee that has stepped in to save the event, also known as the Garden Produce Show, is looking for entries.

Schedules will be available in the next few days and the committee is hoping for a good response from growers.

Committee spokesman Councillor Peter Thompson, the Durham county councillor for Gilesgate, said: "Interest is extending beyond the city boundaries. When the city council ran the show, it tended to be more parochial, but we are talking about people well beyond the boundaries submitting entries.

"Hopefully, we will get entries coming from places such as Stanley, Lanchester, Consett and Seaham.

"Certainly there was a strong indication at the last committee meeting that there will be entries from those quarters."

There will be about 100 classes in categories such as fruit and vegetables, arts and crafts and children's section.

Coun Thompson said he hoped producers entering other shows would also enter the Durham event.

The show will be held in the Durham Room at County Hall, Aykley Heads, Durham, from Friday, September 10 to Sunday, September 12.

The organisers hope to broaden the appeal of the show to make it more of a family event, particularly in future.

Durham and Chester-le-Street Primary Care Trust will promote healthy eating, and the county council's cultural services will stage activities.

Anyone who wants a schedule should call Gordon Steel on 0796 890 8160. Entries should be submitted a week before the show.

The committee's next meeting is on Tuesday, August 3, at 6.30pm, in County Hall. Everyone is welcome.