A SUMMER of free open-air concerts will start this weekend in Richmondshire.

Reeth Brass Band will launch the first of eight events when they play at Catterick Cricket Field from 3pm on Sunday.

Event spokeswoman Christel Kibbat said: "These popular concerts take place on Sundays and August Bank Holiday Monday, and are a fine Dales tradition much enjoyed by local people and visitors alike.

"Each concert takes place in a lovely setting, from Dales village greens to market town squares and the elegant Friary Gardens of Richmond."

The other concerts are: Muker Silver Band at 3pm on August 8, at the Friary Gardens, Richmond; Reeth Brass Band at 3pm on August 15 on Scorton Village Green; Reeth Brass Band at 3pm on August 22 on Eppleby Village Green; Muker Silver Band at 3pm on August 29 on Muker Village Green; Hawes Silver Prize Band at 1.30pm on August 29 on Bainbridge Village Green; Hawes Silver Prize Band at 12.30pm on Monday, August 30, in Leyburn Market Place; and Hawes Silver Prize Band at 2.45pm also on Monday, August 30, on Aysgarth Village Green.

Published: 23/07/2004