THE secret world of some of Britain's birds of prey are to be unveiled at a museum.

Naturalist Michael Mann will be at Killhope, the North of England Lead Mining Museum in Upper Weardale, County Durham, on Sunday, August 8, from 1pm.

He is taking along a number of birds, including tawny and barn owls and a massive eagle owl, which have all either been injured or rescued.

Maureen Murray, the museum's visitor services officer, said: "For many families this is an opportunity to get really close to these magnificent birds and find out all about them, their habitat, conservation, how they feed, and discover their hidden lives.

"Michael is such an enthusiast you can't help but enjoy his talk."

Mr Mann is also at Killhope on Sunday, with a regular Bugs Alive talk and will have with him rainforest beetles, snakes, spiders and other tropical creatures.